2021/02/24 10:52:02

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Leather Furniture

Leather furniture trends have always mesmerized people of all ages and walks of life; they are associated with luxury, and judging by how comfortable they are, it is not a surprise that they cost a fortune in many parts of the world. The types of leather used in the furniture industry are unique and are specifically treated towards that purpose. There are a number of furniture manufacturers and suppliers who deal exclusively with this line of work.

We will be looking at all the types of furniture leather currently in use in the furniture industry, the furniture designs that go well with it, the factors that one needs to keep in mind when selecting leather furniture, and the things they have to be wary of. If you have had plans to purchase leather furniture for your house or business, then this is the right article for you.

Types of Leather Furniture

There are varied types of leather that are used in the creation of leather furniture, but the main ones that stand out are about eight, and they include the following.

Full Grain Leather Furniture

Full grain leather refers to the strongest and the most durable leather type you can ever come across in any level of industry that makes use of leather products, and that includes the furniture industry. This leather type owes its durability and strength to the grain surface that’s never touched when it is being processed. 

This gives it a very rough edge and look, a small price to pray when you consider how strong it becomes in exchange. A full-grain leather sofa is easy to dye when compared to other types of weather as it absorbs dyes very quickly since most of its surface is still in its natural state without any significant chemicals that may interfere with absorption capabilities.

The process involved in its production starts with the hair removal, which is then followed up by some deep soaking into a natural vegetable dye, and that’s it. There’s no additional treatment by other chemicals, and this leaves all the natural qualities of the lather intact, including the texture and the overall look that you’d expect in a rich but unprocessed animal skin. Due to its high purity, this is the most expensive leather you can ever come across, and for this reason, any products that are made from it, like leather furniture, usually cost an arm and a leg.

● Unaltered and natural
● Highly durable
● Great strength
● Beautiful organic appearance
● Versatile
● It gets soft with continued usage

● Very expensive
● The imperfections are more visible than other types
● It is highly sensitive and can be damaged by improper storage or use

Top Grain Leather Furniture

Compared to full-grain leather, the top grain leather doesn’t differ very much from the former, the only difference being that the top grain leather has undergone more polishing on the surface and is, therefore, a little smoother with most of the blemishes removed. Otherwise, it still retains all the high qualities found in the full leather type, and that includes strength, durability, natural look, and purity. 

What happens during the processing is simple, the leather is put through the buffing phase, where it is made softer and more supple than full-grain leather. At times, to further enhance its look, the top grain leather is sanded a little more to make it smoother, then a finish coat is added to make it less breathable while at the same time giving it that subtle gloss that is common with high-quality leathers. The coat also gives the leather a better stain resistance and is more readily available and cheaper than the full-grain leather.

The biggest drawback to using a top grain leather sofa is the stretch marks that form the more the seat is used. The layer that makes up genuine leather is prone to weakness, and no matter the amount of treatment it goes through, with time, stretch marks and fault lines start showing in areas that come into contact with human bodies constantly. This requires constant maintenance, like the use of dyes to cover up those marks.

● High quality
● Smoother finish
● Cheaper than full-grain
● It comes with an anti-stain coating
● Fewer imperfections

● Less durable
● It lacks, that natural look due to many alterations

Genuine Leather Furniture

This is also called corrected leather at times, and it refers to the type that comes from any layer of the animal hide and undergoes a prolonged treatment process that transforms it into a smooth uniform surface that gives it that famed ‘corrected’ appearance it is known for.

The process involves the removal of all blemishes like splotches; the skin is then sanded and buffed to get rid of the bumps and the little dents that may make the surface uneven, and finally, it is dyed and embossed with logos and artwork if necessary to get its final surface appearance. The entire process does alter some important qualities of the genuine leather sofa that are unique to leather products but overall, this type of leather works just fine for any furniture.

Genuine leather can be considered to be the last layer of the animal hide that’s good enough to be considered to be pure leather without the addition of any other material to supplement it. It may not be as tough and durable as the other higher leather types, but in the hands of a true craftsman, it can create some of the best budget-friendly leather seats you can ever come across in the market.

Genuine leather allows for customizations to be done on its surface, and depending on what you want; you can have all kinds of patterns emblazoned on the surface in a subtle artistic manner. Cleaning it is also easy and requires a small amount of water. You only use a piece of cloth to gently scrub off anything that may be stuck on the surface. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight for too long as that will cause it to fade unevenly.

● High quality
● Smooth appearance
● Versatile

● Loses a lot of characteristics that define leather
● The treatment process is tedious

Split Grain Leather Furniture

This is a type of furniture leather that is derived from the lower levels of the top grain layer that’s found just above the flesh. It may be softer and thinner than the other layers of h hide, but it still can be used to create reliable products in various ways.

Because it is not as dense or strong as the other types of leather, split grain leather is used for the smooth finishes of leather furniture that are colored and embossed. It is like acting that’s added to the chair to make it more visually pleasing and more functional. Unlike the other tougher leather types, the split-grain leather sofa takes to dyes easily and can be used in so many ways.

The ideal furniture places that make use of split-grain leather are the armrests, backs, and the lower seats because they have the right balance of smoothness and coarseness that helps them maintain that appearance for long, even with heavy usage of the chair in question. Generally, furniture made using this type of leather fetches lower prices, but that doesn’t diminish the overall quality of the product. 

Depending on your ability to maintain the chair and regulate how they're used, they can stay for very long without losing any of the redeeming qualities. If you are lucky enough, they may survive long enough for you to resell them to someone else down the line as you upgrade to better furniture.

● Versatile
● Easy to treat
● Good for finishes

● Too thin
● Not as strong as the other types
● Feels artificial
● Low quality

Bonded Leather Furniture

Also called the reconstituted leather, this is a type of furniture leather that is put together by combining finely shredded leather scraps which are then bonded together with polyurethane or some latex to form a continuous mesh of sheet which can then be utilized for furniture and other functions.

The amount of leather in these kinds of sheets varies, and depending on that percentage, it can either be good enough to be used for furniture as the main covering or as accessorizing pieces that are patched in some places to create that artistic look.

It is compatible with many colors and dyes and can be engraved and embossed with all kinds of patterns to enhance its look. Some are made in such a fine form that it would be hard telling them apart from the other better types of leather without touching them first.

The thing that sets bonded leather sofa apart from faux leather is the percentage of leather in the entire mix. If the content of leather is above 20%, then that qualifies to be called bonded leather. Bit if that number falls below 20%, then it ceases to be seen as leather and automatically falls into the faux leather category.

In terms of durability, bonded leather furniture has decent longevity, but it is not as long-lasting as the other higher types of leather. The presence of other materials besides leather tends to reduce the structural integrity of the product, and when exposed to continued usage, it tends to wear down and fade at a faster rate.

When it comes to cleaning, never use any harsh chemicals; simply use a wet cloth to slowly scrub off any dirt from the surface. You can do this at least once a week if the house or the office is frequently used but if you are rarely at home, then space that out to a less regular schedule. One thing you should keep in mind is that exposing bonded leather furniture to the sunlight for so long makes it fade faster.

● Makes use of leather scraps
● It can be used for furniture
● Easy maintenance

● It doesn’t feel natural
● It is not durable
● Sometimes the amount, of leather is too low for it to even be considered leather

Faux Leather Furniture

Real leather can be very expensive and once it has been used on furniture, the prices can skyrocket to levels that are beyond the affordability range of many people, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t get to enjoy the luxuries of owning leather furniture. This is where faux leather comes into play.

This refers to man-made leather that imitates all the qualities of real leather, from the texture, the appearance, the durability, to the point where it can be passed off as the real thing. The reason why faux leather exists was due to the increased calls for ending animal cruelty, and faux provides animal lovers with a good alternative that they can use comfortably without feeling guilty.

Some of the other industrial benefits of using faux leather sofas include the fact the process of creating them is cheap, which makes it easy for them to be produced in large quantities. This can come in handy in times of high demand as it can be used to plug in any leather deficit. Maintaining faux leather is also easy; unlike real leather, which can be affected by moisture or bleaching, cleaning faux leather is a matter of using a wet cloth, and all the dirt comes off easily.

Working with faux leather is also much easier. The process of cutting and sewing it together is easier because it is thinner and isn’t as tough as the other types of real leather. Creating stylish furniture using faux leather takes less time.

● Decent quality
● Versatile
● Durable
● Consistent appearance
● Realistic quality
● Low maintenance

● It doesn’t feel natural to touch 
● The technology behind it is still in development

How to Choose Your Right Leather Furniture

Choosing the right furniture is not easy. There are so many options in the market from a wide range of furniture manufacturers from all the parts of the planet, each of them unique in its own way. You could even attend all the furniture fairs and exhibitions, and you will still struggle to come to a decision. But to help you deal with that, the following are some of the factors you have to keep in mind when shopping for the right leather furniture.

The Type of Leather Used

We have already outlined all the types of leathers that are used to make furniture. At the top of that hierarchy is the full-grain leather, which has the best qualities ranging from high durability, good strength, and natural appearance. As far as high-quality leather furniture is concerned, this is the best type of leather to go with for your furniture needs, but you have to be ready to spend extra on them.

You can also give consideration to the top grain and the other types of leather, although the quality does diminish the lower you go. The bottom line is, all the leather types can be used to make furniture, it is the quality that varies, but all of them get the job done. It all comes down to your ability to afford and the duration of time you want the furniture to last before you feel the need to replace them.

The Texture

The texture of the leather is important when selecting leather furniture. It can either be super smooth, medium smooth, rough, engraved, or embossed. All these come in varying strengths, and they feel differently when you sit on them. Some people prefer leather furniture that comes with rough surfaces to provide grip when someone suits on the chairs, stopping them from sliding off. Some love theirs in matte texture that doesn't reflect any light, and others love theirs glowing and smooth.

When checking out the furniture, take your time touching each individual furniture piece to ascertain the texture and the quality. There’s no proper way to put into words how each texture feels, and the best way to determine that would be to physically touch, and you’ll be able to know what to go with.

The Color

You have to figure out the leather furniture color theme you are aiming for in your house, the office, or whatever space you have decided to furnish. Unless you have a customized order, it would be wise to first figure out the color in the interior space to help you find furniture with matching colors or a combination of related colors that will blend well with the space to avoid a clash of colors.

Generally, leather furniture usually comes in dark earthy colors, with brown taking precedence since that’s the natural color of most animal hides. However, they can be dyed to any color that one may wish to have them in. If you have the means, you can get a customized order to the exact color you want, even though that may set you back a couple of dollars in the process. Dark leather is always recommended as it is classy and much easier to maintain in the event it gets stained, something that would not be possible if you have white leather chairs.


As earlier mentioned, leather products don’t come cheap, and when the furniture comes into play, the cost becomes astronomical. On their own, regular furniture already costs exorbitantly high due to how rare some woods maybe. When you add leather into the mix, then the price tag takes on a new form. But the cost also depends on the type of leather and the furniture brand behind it. 

Full-grain leather, for instance, is the costliest due to its high quality, durability, and natural look. Furniture that uses this type of leather takes time to be made, and is made by the most skilled craftsmen, and all this combines to give the final product a significant bump in price.

Depending on your financial abilities, you may find yourself having to go for the lower leather types, which still get the job done, despite being of lesser quality. If you are able to maintain them properly during their usage, then you may be lucky enough to get some good years out of them.

Maintenance Costs

Leather couches are not on the same level as the rest of the other furniture types. Once leather gets wet, for example, in closed spaces, it ends up emitting a very strong odor that can make life very unbearable in the house; for this reason, there’s a real need for taking good care of it, and this requires time. Therefore, consider how easy it is to handle the maintenance duties before making that decision to get that leather furniture that you have been coveting for ages. There are special cleaning agents that one can use to make sure the leather is durable for a very long time. 


It is easy to be fooled by unscrupulous people in the market, and having the ability to tell if the leather furniture you are being sold is of genuine quality is very important. There are many versions of low-quality faux leather that can be passed off as the real thing in order to make people pay top dollar, only for them to realize later that it was faux leather all along. There are many signs that you can use to tell if you are dealing with a fake or not. 

The first is the texture; real leather will feel natural in your hands and thicker compared to fake leather, which will feel like it has been infused with other materials like plastic. You can even try to scratch the surface, and if it leaves a dirty streak, then you are probably dealing with real leather. If it is fake, it would come apart and leave a hole in the process. No worries, there is a complete guide of repairing a leather couch scratch for you.

Your Style

Furniture designs are not random; they are made with specific furniture styles and spaces in mind. But the manufacturer has no way of knowing your exact style if you don’t tell them, and therefore, they go with the one-size-fits-all model, which involves the creation of various. Everyone has their own furniture style that fits the space within their houses or their offices. This ranges from color preferences, to the shape, to the type of leather used, the engravings, and many other factors. If you are the type who gets very particular with details, then all these factors are a big deal and play a huge role in determining what exactly you want for your house or office.


Comfort should never be taken for granted, and you should not let appearances fool you. Leather furniture may look good at first glance, but when it comes to determining how comfortable it is, that requires the actual process of you sitting on the chair to get a feel of it. There are some leather seats created with faux leather that have been smoothed out too much, and every time an individual sits on the chairs, they slide down, and this can be very uncomfortable. The furniture itself should be designed for optimum functionality; everything else should then be designed alongside those lines. When comfort is a priority, leather furniture becomes the ideal one to go for.


The average cost of leather furniture ranges between $599 - $7,999. This is a huge cost when you consider the other things that are required for the house and the office. When you spend this kind of money, there’s the expectation that the product will last you for a very long time without any complications popping up. This kind of money should get you the best design, the best framework, and the best leather quality that will not start fading within a few months. Furniture has the tendency to stay for decades if used properly, with leather furniture having higher longevity due to the natural durability of leather.

Another factor you have to keep in mind as you select the leather furniture of your choice is the resellable capabilities. You never know what the future holds, it may come to a point where you need to relocate or upgrade the furniture in your house or the office, and if the leather furniture you buy today happens to be in good condition still, you can sell it off at a good price and recoup some of the initial money back.


There's a good chance that you may be living in a place that’s a little too far from any furniture manufacturer. In fact, many times, people find themselves falling in love with a furniture piece that cannot be found locally, something they may have seen at a furniture fair in another country. Getting your hands on that may prove to be a little tricky for some people as it means most will have to go up to cover the importation fees. There are many ways that one can go about shipping furniture, and you can get all that information from many online sources. Simpy conduct due diligence to ensure the people you are dealing with from the other end are genuine.


Leather furniture is associated with class, and should fit in your overall decoration style such as bedroom wall color or the room layout. That’s the reason why every furniture manufacturer and supplier is always coming up with new designs every year in a bid to establish themselves as the commanding force in the sector. There are countless furniture designs in the market that are worth a look at before coming to a decision. But if you want to know more about furniture and where you can attend furniture fairs, simply check out our website, and you will have all your questions and concerns taken care of by our dedicated team of experts at any time of the day.

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